Install procedure


Put the stick in the RYZEN and boot from the stick. Make sure you also install the SSH feature, because we need it later on.

User name: wsprdaemon

Password: xxx    (keep a good administration of all the user names and passwords! We will get more of it.

Reboot, do all the software upgrades and updates, reboot again, and open a terminal,

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get update.

sudo usermod -aG sudo wsprdaemon




The only program we basically need is radiod, but for the sake of reliability, we install WsprDaemon, which includes radiod. We do this to make sure that the WsprDaemon program which will be running later on the other NUC is compatible with radiod.

On the NUC-1 we install also WsprDaemon (including radiod). So, on the RYZEN5 we only run radiod, and on the NUC-1 we run only WsprDaemon.

In the home directory, which should be


we do:

apt install git

git clone

cd wsprdaemon

./ -V

You will probably get an error about the LOCALE, solve this by

edit /etc/default/locale and put the requested local parameters in it.


Edit wsprdaemon.config  according to the specs in the template, which is available in the wsprdaemon directory.

Now again:

./ -V

The install script will install everything which is needed to run the programs correctly. It could be that you have to repeat this command again, and again, until you only get:

Version = 3.x.y


You can create some aliases for WsprDaemon commands, but we don't do this here, because we don't use wsprdaemon in the RYZEN.

To be sure we have all necessary software on board we do:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt search boost
sudo apt install python-is-python3


Plug the RX888MKII into the RYZEN.

Because the radio consumes quite a lot of power, I used a USB extender, which have to be a USB-3 version !

So I could also connect the Bodnar ref clock to the USB for power. And the Bodnar should be connected to the RX888MKII.

Go to

~/wsprdaemon and execute:


wsprdaemon will run shortly and create a wsprdaemon.conf file if it is not there yet.

You can fill out the parameters as you wish. As an example:


declare RECEIVER_LIST=("KA9Q_0 wspr-pcm.local PE0MJX JO31CJ NULL DEFAULT:-10")
declare WSPR_SCHEDULE_ka9q=("00:00 KA9Q_0,20,W2:F2 KA9Q_0,40,W2:F2 KA9Q_0,30,W2:F2 KA9Q_0,10,W2:F2
KA9Q_0,15,W2:F2 KA9Q_0,17,W2:F2 KA9Q_0,60,W2:F2 KA9Q_0,80,W2:F2")
declare WSPR_SCHEDULE=( "${WSPR_SCHEDULE_ka9q[@]}" )


For the exact meaning of all this, look in the wsprdaemon.conf template.


Then execute './ -a and wsprdaemon will run for quite some time loading and compiling the KA9Q
SW (radiod) and all the other SW (e.g WSJT-x') used by WD.

If all goes well, execute the top command, to see radiod running on top of the list.


You can check whether radiod is running with a correctly started RX888MKII, with:

sudo dmesg | grep -i rx888 en/of 1-2 of 2-2

also with:  lsusb


The standard  installation until now is set up so that at boot both radiod and WsprDaemon are started.

We don't want that. So stop both programs immediately and at boot by:

./wsprdaemon -Z

sudo systemctl stop radiod@rx888-wsprdaemon.service


Important commands to be used:

./wsprdaemon -A        start wsprdaemon/radiod and do it also at every boot

./wsprdaemon -a        just start wsprdaemon/radiod

./wsprdaemon -Z       stop WsprDaemon/radiod and do not start at every reboot

./wsprdaemon -z        just stop wsprdaemon/radiod


You can also start and stop wsprdaemon and radiod individually.

sudo systemctl start radiod@rx888-wsprdaemon.service              ##immediately start

sudo systemctl stop radiod@rx888-wsprdaemon.service              ## immediately stop

sudo systemctl enable radiod@rx888-wsprdaemon.service          ##enable at startup, and start immediately

sudo systemctl disable radiod@rx888-wsprdaemon.service         ##disable at startup, and stop immediately


sudo systemctl disable wsprdaemon.service                                   ##disable at startup
sudo systemctl stop wsprdaemon.service                                        ## immediately stop

sudo systemctl enable wsprdaemon.service                                    ##enable at startup
sudo systemctl start wsprdaemon.service                                        ##immediately start


The RYZEN miniPC is now ready for streaming data to the network.

Starting up the RYZEN for proper working is done via a shell script, which is in the home directory.


echo ""
echo ""
echo "***************************************************************************************

echo "set all cores on performance"
sudo bash -c 'for i in {0..11}; do cpufreq-set -c $i -g performance; done'
echo "all cores on performance"
echo " "

echo "enable multicast routing"
sudo route -n add -net netmask dev enp4s0
echo "enabled multicast routing"
echo "start radiod"
sudo systemctl start radiod@rx888-wsprdaemon
echo "radiod started"



Now the RYZEN PC is ready, and streaming data. check it with:

tcpdump -i enp4s0 ip multicast

Note: enp4s0 is the port of the miniPC, which is connected to the MTU VLAN switch. Other PC's have probably other names for the port.

ifconfig -a to check which port is used for the streams.


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