MTU VLAN switches
In our local network we use the following VLAN switch: TP-Link SG108E. The VLAN switch is connected to the Internet router (port 8), to the RYZEN5 (port 3), and to the TL-SG105 regular switch. In the following sketch, the total picture is given.

- All UTP cables are of high quality (we use cat 6/7 S/FTP), we have bad experience with UTP flat cables.
Note: multicast doesn’t check if the packets are received correctly.
- The RYZEN has no access to the internet router, so, can't get an IP address. Solve it by setting up a Fixed IP address in the range of the router.
- Using MTU VLAN switch
- From p3 to p1 of the VLAN switch the data is enabled.
- From p1 to p8 the data flow is enabled.
- From p3 to p8 is disabled
Next page: Setting up the MTU VLAN switch
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